I wish all students would learn to manage their time better. Don't get me wrong, some of the students are very diligent about deadlines and the amount of individual time needed to properly prepare musical assignments for those deadlines, but others, not so much! We have our first eligibility date of the school year tomorrow. As you can imagine, the band room has been a very popular destination for students. I guess some students are creatures of habit, meaning they wait until the very last minute to make up that lesson or practice log. Now I know I should be happy that they have finally done the work, but when they try to cram in a make up lesson I do not get to devote quality instruction time to them! I hope in the future they plan their schedule a little better!
I am trying to get band students to visit the blog more often - to that end I am going to provide incentives for them for visiting the blog! If you are a student, include the following word in a comment after this post! The word to use is "melody."
It will be a busy week for us - Homecoming always is! Here's to great performances this week!
do ra me fa so la ti Melody!
Gibson MELODY Maker.
Ya, so uh... we pretty much rocked it out at coronation tonight. Especially during Music of the Night, it was pretty amazing how everyone was quiet and they let the "melody" stand out. Pretty great let me tell you! *wink wink*
That last comment was Jasmine btw... (I used an account I already have and forgot to put my name at the bottom) uh ya... oops! :)
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