Thursday, September 27, 2007

"My Bands"

Today was a great day for us. Both the Junior High Concert Band and the Madelia Concert Band have had two great rehearsals in a row. The JHCB has made great strides the past two days on "Regal Fanfare" and today we also watched a portion of an instructional DVD on proper breath technique which we tried and will continue to experiment with tomorrow. The work ethic has steadily increased this week for them!

MCB had that magical moment today while practicing music for coronation next Monday. They finished the processional and I stopped and said,"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time this school year I finally felt like you were MY Madelia Concert Band - congratulations!" I felt like they were finally "with me," responding to tiny inflections I was using with my conducting pattern, and performing "above the notes" with extreme emotion. They continued this tonight with an outstanding pepband performance!

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