Sunday, March 2, 2008

March Madness

We say it every year. Every year it is true. While the NCAA has its tournaments, we in the music world have our own version of "March Madness." It is a super busy time and this year it is even worse. The pic above says it all - this is how I feel most days! Monday we go to large group contest, having had incomplete rehearsals for the past two+ weeks. I honestly can't remember the last time everyone was there - perhaps the December concert? That in itself is just crazy. This week we have: contest, our concert, honor choir rehearsal, All-State auditions and preps for next weeks solo/ensemble! Yikes!

In any case, all we can do is hope that in the end, the preparation we have done as individuals and as a group pays off. I'll keep you posted. The word is "madness." Have fun!


WannabeSRV2010 said...

I sure wish there was a method to this madness. But sadly, i don't think there is.


Anonymous said...

But the madness all leads up to BRANSON! Maybe that's the work work fun Fun FUN!


Jasmine1192 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine1192 said...

Forgot to put my name on the last one, then didn't realize it left the thing there saying there was a comment. Oops! Anywayz, what I said was...

"Branson in two days... now that* is madness!"

~Jasmine :D