I feel like posting this sign in the hallway leading up to the instrumental rehearsal room. Seriously. After five days without rehearsals I have confirmed that many of our members need to sharpen their retention skills! Yesterday it took 30 of the 42 minutes of the MCB rehearsal to get the group to sound like "my group." It is amazing the lack of focus a five-day break can create. Today the groups were much more "with me" but in MCB we were missing a large contingent of members due to two school functions. This will be the case the remainder of the week. It is my goal to get the students to realize that even though we are missing people, we must forge ahead. Progress must be made. If the people around you are gone - then it is YOUR turn to lead! Be a leader - assume the position - try it, you may grow into a natural leader!
We are fortunate to have many strong leaders in the bands. What most people (including the vast majority of the band members) don't realize is that so many of the students have the potential to be amazing musicians and leaders! Believe in yourself like I believe in you and just see what we will accomplish! The word is "lead."
I got nothin' for this one
I think you should put sign up. That is so true when we are missing people and atfer we have a long weekend were not as focus on the music.
I need new lead for my mechanical pencils. lol (yes i know that is not what you meant... but it was fun anyway.)
Bravo Jazz... bravo.
Just wondering..... Who exactly is clvn1989???
Bravo Jazz... bravo.
Just wondering..... Who exactly is clvn1989???
Whoops Didnt mean to put that on here twice. Sorry Mr.E.
lead aka Pb... I think
p.s. Happy Birthday Cassy
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