Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Checking it off the list"

It has been a busy 3.5 months. There have been many things I have been involved in that are in addition to my regular MHS duties and they have taken an extraordinary amount of time. For those of you who don't know me very well I am someone who makes lists. I have found it extremely helpful to write down all the "things that must get done" even if compiling the list can be a little depressing at times! In any case, with the MAD Jazz performance last Monday and then formal picture day on Thursday I realized that they were the last of the "big things" on "the list!" It is amazing how good it feels. All year long as I complete another event or a big project I always make a big sweeping gesture in the air and "check it off the list."

Now let's not kid ourselves - there is a lot to do before school wraps on June 2 - but these things will be much more manageable - now that "the list" is smaller! The phrase must include the work "check." Have fun!

Monday, April 7, 2008

"And we're back!"

After a whirlwind 96 hours we are back! Above is the group of students on stage following the band performance and the Acrobats of China show. All in all it was an excellent tour. I will have more later, but as they goes on - on to the jr high festival on Thursday - work to be done! Later.